The forehead of the female is more yellow. deliciosus compared to the nominate has the back and rump that is brighter emerald green that is tinted with pale blue the primaries and secondaries pale blue with purple-blue near feather shafts. cyanochlorus has darker purple-blue markings than the nominate species the female is brighter yellow-green. viridissimus has darker purple-blue markings on the secondaries.
#Green rumped parrotlets for sale Patch
cyanophanes has more extensive purple-blue markings that form an obvious patch on the closed wing. Like all parrots, green-rumped parrotlets exhibit zygodactyly, meaning two toes face forward and two face backward. Green-rumped parrotlets exhibit sexual dimorphism: males have purplish-blue primaries, secondaries, and coverts, with bright turquoise feathers on the leading edges of their wings females lack blue but have more yellow-green on the head.

The eyes are dark brown and beaks and feet are light peach. The plumage mainly bright green with duller/grayer napes. deliciosus ( Ridgway, 1888) – lower Amazonian Brazil cyanochlorus ( Schlegel, 1864) – Roraima (north Brazil) passerinus (Linnaeus, 1758) – the Guianas viridissimus ( Lafresnaye, 1848) – north Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago cyanophanes ( Todd, 1915) – north Colombia The specific epithet passerinus is from Latin and means "sparrow-like". The etymology of the genus name is uncertain. The green-rumped parrotlet is now one of nine species placed in the genus Forpus that was introduced in 1858 by the German zoologist Friedrich Boie. Linnaeus specified the type location as "America", but this was changed to Surinam by Hans von Berlepsch in 1908.

He placed it with all the other parrots in the genus Psittacus and coined the binomial name Psittacus passerinus.

May-July nest is presumably in tree cavity.The green-rumped parrotlet was formally described in 1758 by the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus in the tenth edition of his Systema Naturae. Peak activity levels are first thing in the morning and late in the afternoon. Gregarious, forming flocks of 4-30 individuals, sometimes with Orange-fronted Conures (Eupsittula canicularis). insularis: Tres Marias Islands, off coast of Nayarit.įound up to 1300m (4264 ft) in gallery and deciduous woodland, plantations, scrub, semi-arid open country and cultivated areas with trees, mainly in lowland and foothills.ĭiet includes Ficus fruits, berries and grass seeds taken from the ground. cyanopygius: Sinaloa and W Durango south to Colima, Mexico.į.c. Designated ‘Subject to Special Protection’ in Mexico.į.c. An estimated 8,000 individuals are captured illegally per year. Restricted-range species: found in Northwest Mexican Pacific Slope Endemic Bird Area (EBA). Vertical nest box 15cm x 15cm x 25cm (4 x 4 x 10 in). Provide many perches and ropes for climbing. Provide overhead misters and shallow water bowls for bathing. Provide unsprayed flowering, willow or elder branches for hiding in and chewing. Planted large aviary 3 x 1 x 2m (9.8 x 3.3 x 6.5 ft) minimum may be kept in communal aviary with other birds, but not other Forpus species.įruits such as: apple, pear, orange, banana, cactus fruits, papaya, kiwi, mango vegetables such as: carrot, celery, green beans and peas in the pod green leaves such as: Swiss chard, lettuce, kale, dandelion, chickweed, sowthistle rosehips seed mix such as: wheat, oats, millets, weed seeds and a small amount of sunflower insectivorous food for rearing young complete kibble if taken.
#Green rumped parrotlets for sale series
cyanopygius: As in adults but young male has blue markings intermixed with green.Ĭalls made in flight or when perched a rolling series of squeaky notes may be heard at some distance. Female-as in cyanopygius, but upperparts darker green.į.c. insularis: Male-darker green upperparts blue/green underparts darker blue on rump and lower back. pallidus: Both adults in general paler than cyanopygius.į.c. Female-yellow/green markings where is blue in male.į.c. cyanopygius: Male-in general green in colour turquoise/blue lower back, rump, and underwing coverts blue secondary feathers, margined paler blue on outer webs of feathers secondary coverts blue.